Frans Ferdinand Theodor Forsström

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Frans Ferdinand Theodor Forsström

Birthplace: Hangelby, Sibbo, Finland
Death: July 16, 1952 (76)
Immediate Family:

Son of Anders Andersson Forsström and Anna Fredrica Forsström
Husband of Sofia Wilhelmina Forsström
Father of Frans Oskar Forsström; Edith Wilhelmina Forsström; Karl Ernst Forsström; Elsa Sofia Åberg; Gunnar Teodor Forsström and 1 other
Brother of Johanna Fredrika Wickström; Sofia Lovisa Sandström; Mathilda Augusta Forsström; Olga Alexandra Weckström; Johan Oskar Forsström and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Frans Ferdinand Theodor Forsström

Född: Sipoo syntyneet 1869-1891 (AP) Sivu 142-143 09/1875 ; SSHY / Viitattu 12.08.2023

Familjen flyttade 1902 till Svartbäck i Borgå socken och 1907 tillbaka till Sibbo: Porvoo maaseurakunta rippikirja 1900-1909 (AP_IV I Aa:34) Sivu 2549 Svartbäck Neder-Kärras skatteh ; SSHY / Viitattu 12.08.2023

Sipoo rippikirja 1900-1909 (AP_I) Sivu 221 Hangelby Keupas 1 ; SSHY / Viitattu 12.08.2023

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Frans Ferdinand Theodor Forsström's Timeline

October 12, 1875
Hangelby, Sibbo, Finland
August 8, 1895
Keupas, Hangelby, Sibbo, Finland
July 8, 1897
Keupas, Hangelby, Sibbo, Finland
September 18, 1899
Keupas, Hangelby, Sibbo, Finland
December 5, 1901
Keupas, Hangelby, Sibbo, Finland
August 9, 1904
Svartbäck, Borgå socken, Finland
December 26, 1909
Keupas, Hangelby, Sibbo, Finland
July 16, 1952
Age 76