Frederick Ferdinand Herzig

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Frederick Ferdinand Herzig

Also Known As: "Ferdinand"
Birthplace: Kasejovice, Plzeň-jih, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic
Immediate Family:

Son of Hermann Herzig; Hermann Herzig; Amalia Herzig and Amalia Herzig
Husband of Celia Herzig
Father of Dr. Arthur J. Herzig and Alice Herzig
Brother of Rösie Herzig; Karolina Herzig; Dorie Herzig; Jakob Herzig; Helene Karoline Pollak and 3 others
Half brother of Ignatz Herzig

Managed by: Judith Berlowitz
Last Updated:

About Frederick Ferdinand Herzig

Birth record: KASEJOVICE (o. Plzeň-jih) 774 N 1840-1862 (i) (67/116)

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Frederick Ferdinand Herzig's Timeline

July 31, 1854
Kasejovice, Plzeň-jih, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic
May 9, 1881
New York, New York, United States