Frederick Jacob Leatherman

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Frederick Jacob Leatherman

Also Known As: "Frederic Leatherman", "Frederick Leatherman", "Frederick Ledermann", "Fridrich Ledermann", "Friedrich Jacob [ Ledermann] Leatherman", "Friedrich Jakob Ledermann", "Friedrich Lederman", "Frederic Jacob Leatherman", "Friederich Jacob Ledermann"
Birthplace: Oberhausen, Bayern, Germany
Death: circa 1806 (64-73)
Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USA, OH, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Gottfried Lederman and Hannah Elizabetha Letherman
Husband of Maria Catharine Leatherman
Father of Elizabeth 'Betsy' Wise; Hannah Ruble; Frederick 'Fred' John Leatherman, Jr.; Mary Ann Sprague; Ruth Meek and 2 others
Brother of Peter Leatherman; Mike Leatherman; ? Leatherman; Jacob Friedrich Lederman; Frances Leatherman and 5 others

Managed by: Private User
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About Frederick Jacob Leatherman

Frederick Jacob3 Leatherman, Sr. (Godfried/Gottfried2 Lederman, Johsnnea1 Ledermann) was born January 03, 1737 in Oberhausen, Bayern, Germany, and died Abt. 1806 in 20-30 miles from Dayton, Ohio. He married Catherine Saylor June 05, 1764 in Record of 1st German Evangelical Ref. Church, daughter of Matthias Syler/Seiler and Magdalena Delauter.

Notes for Frederick Jacob Leatherman, Sr.: He came from Germany before the Revolution War and settled in Maryland. He came with his three brothers: Peter, Mike, and ????. Look in the All Leatherman Kin History Book.

Frederick came to America between 1742 and 1747 with his parents and several siblings and they settled in Frederick County, Maryland, near Wolfsville. (records show as early as 1788)

Frederick had a second wife have not found her name. Mary and Ruth is this second wife's children with Frederick.

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Frederick Jacob Leatherman's Timeline

January 3, 1737
Oberhausen, Bayern, Germany
January 6, 1737
Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany
October 5, 1766
October 23, 1770
Maryland, United States
Maryland, United States
Patterson Creek, Mineral, West Virginia, United States
January 24, 1778
Also found as PA & Germany, Maryland, United States
April 24, 1783
Pennsylvania or Woodsfield, Monroe County, OH, United States
March 4, 1785
Indiana, United States