Frederik Johan Godfried van Tricht

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Frederik Johan Godfried van Tricht

Birthplace: Steenderen, Bronckhorst, Gelderland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Immediate Family:

Son of Gerhardus Johannes van Tricht and Frederica Johanna Amelia Elizabeth Colson Aberson
Husband of Jeanne Charlotte Overduijn
Brother of Hendrick David van Tricht; Otto Johan van Tricht; Willem Laurentius van Tricht; Gerardus Johannes Walraven van Tricht and Wilhelmina Elisabeth Maria Hillegonda van Tricht

Occupation: Kantonrechter
Managed by: George J. Homs
Last Updated:
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Frederik Johan Godfried van Tricht's Timeline

Steenderen, Bronckhorst, Gelderland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)