Frida Stein, 027e 2UT

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Frida Stein, 027e 2UT

Death: September 28, 1959 (51)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of HANS Friedrich Franz Stein, 054 3UV and Anna Karoline Emilie Stahnke, 055 3UM
Sister of HEDWIG Margarete Wilhelmine Stein, 027 2UM; Hans Paul Julius Stein, 027f 2UO; Lucia Stein, 027c 2UT; Private; Gertrud Margarete Franziska Stein, 027b 2UT and 1 other

Managed by: M W, 002
Last Updated:

About Frida Stein, 027e 2UT


Ururgroßtante (Schwester der Ururgroßmutter (Mutter des Urgroßvaters (Großvater der M)))

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Frida Stein, 027e 2UT's Timeline

February 5, 1908
September 28, 1959
Age 51