son of Johann Freidrich & Karoline Marten
unknown source-likely an Evangelical church paper:
Frederick Carl Martin was born near Soldin Prussia, Germany, April 17, 1833, and died at his home in Cedar Falls, Iowa, November 27,1912.
In 1858, he came with his parents to this country settling near Lansing, Iowa. In 1861, the preachers of the Evangelical Association first came into that part of the country and the deceased was among the first to be converted and become a member of the church. He was a faithful member and served the church as an officer in various capacities for many years.
In 1862 he joined in marriage with Charlotte Goettel. This union was blessed with 9 children, 3 of whom preceded the father in death. His wife died in 1890. In 1893, he was married to Wilhelmina Puls. In the Fall of 1894, they moved to Cedar Falls that they might enjoy more fully the privileges of the church.
Besides his wife, he leaves 3 sons, 3 daughters, 3 brothers, a number of grandchildren and a host of other friends who mourn his departure, but at the same time enjoy the comforting hope of a reunion above.
At the funeral services the undersigned was assisted by the brethren A.L. Hauser and L. W. Bock.
B.R. Wiener
Johann Friedrich Marten 1796–1881
Karoline Goettel Marten 1802–1891
Charlotte Johanne Goettel Marten 1839–1890 (m. 1862)
Wilhelmina Marie Nolte Puls Marten 1839–1914 (m. 1893)
Henrietta Marten Kehrberg 1828–1884
Wilhelmina Caroline Marten Baske 1830–1913
August Carl Friedrich Martin 1831–1912
Charles Frederick Marten 1833–1912
Julius Carl Martin 1835–1892
Ferdinand Carl Herman Martin 1842–1905
Herman Friedrich Wilhelm Martin 1845–1926
Frank Frederick Carl Martin 1848–1934
John Frederick Marten 1863–1957
Herrman Martin 1865–1865
Emma S. Marten Schild 1866–1939
Sarah Emilie Marten Kratz 1868–1957
Johanna Charlotte Marten Braun 1870–1905
Lydia Louise Marten Puls 1872–1947
William Aaron Marten 1874–1965
Kind (child) Marten 1876–1876
Edward Ernest Martin 1877–1939