12 JUL 2019 14:29:54 GMT -0500 Elroy Podratz Podratz Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Podratz Web Site</p>Family tree: 117474761-1 Discovery 117474761-1
Friedrick August Rohloff 3 12 JUL 2019 Added via a Person Discovery Discovery
28 AUG 2017 13:11:00 GMT -0500 FamilySearch Family Tree MyHeritage The FamilySearch Family Tree is published by MyHeritage under license from FamilySearch International, the largest genealogy organization in the world. FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church). Collection 40001
https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-40001-734059448/friedric... 4 Friedrick August Rohloff<br>Birth name: Friedrick August Rohloff<br>Gender: Male<br>Birth: Oct 25 1896 - Fairfield Township, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Military draft registration: Between 1917 and 1918 - Swift County, Minnesota, United States<br>Military draft registration: Apr 27 1942 - Appleton Moyer, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Marriage: Spouse: Rose Wilhelmina Ernestine Hamann - Jan 11 1924 - Fairfield Township, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Residence: 1900 - Fairfield & Tara Townships, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Residence: 1910 - Fairfield, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Residence: 1920 - Fairfield, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Residence: 1930 - Fairfield, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Residence: 1935 - Same House<br>Residence: 1940 - Moyer Township, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Death: Mar 5 1980 - Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Burial: 1980 - Appleton, Swift, Minnesota, United States<br>Parents: <a>August Friedrich Wilhelm Rohloff</a>, <a>Louise Auguste Dorothea Rohloff (born Haben)</a><br>Wife: <a>Rose Wilhelmina Ernestine Rohloff (born Hamann)</a><br>Children: <a>Virgil Rohloff</a>, <a>Wayne Walter George Rohloff</a><br>Siblings: <a>Carl Christian Rohloff</a>, <a>Alida M Rohloff</a>, <a>Emma Marie Giese (born Rohloff)</a>, <a>William Carl Fred Rohloff</a>, <a>George August Johanes Rohloff</a>, <a>Amanda M Schliep (born Rohloff)</a>, <a>Alma F Schliemann (born Rohloff)</a>, <a>Erna Johanna Mary Rohloff</a> Record 40001:734059448:
26 JUN 2019 14:46:49 GMT -0500 United States World War I Draft Registrations, 1917-1918 MyHeritage When the United States declared war on the German Empire on April 6, 1917 its standing army was comprised of approximately 100,000 men with another 115,000 in National Guard units. President Wilson immediately directed the Department of War to work to increase the army to a one million-man force. However, six weeks after war was declared only 73,000 new recruits had volunteered for military service.Military planners and political leaders had correctly anticipated the general apathy in the nation for the war effort at its onset and almost as soon as war was declared work began in the US Congress to enact updated conscription legislation. Congress passed the Selective Service Act on May 18, 1917. This act authorized the federal government to raise a national army through compulsory enlistment.The initial Selective Service Act required all men aged 21 to 30 to register. In August 1918, at the request of the War Department, Congress amended the law to expand the age range to include all men aged 18 to 45.Three specific registrations were conducted: <ul><li>June 5, 1917. This first registration was for all men between the ages of 21 and 31.</li><li>June 5, 1918. The second registration was for those who had turned 21 after June 5, 1917 and a supplemental registration included in the second registration was held on August 24, 1918, for those who turned 21 years old after June 5, 1918.</li><li>September 12, 1918. The third, and final registration was for all men aged 18 through 45 not previously enrolled.</li></ul>By the end of the First World War, some 2 million men had volunteered for military service and 2.8 million other men had been drafted. Accordingly, a draft registration does not imply that the individual ended up being drafted or that he didn’t volunteer separately. The handwriting on the card is normally that of a registration board worker usually labeled the “registrar”. However, almost all cards contain the signature or “mark” in the handwriting of theregistrant himself. Collection 10513
https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-10513-13588839/fred-augu... 4 Fred August Rohloff<br>Gender: Male<br>Birth: Oct 25 1896 - Fairfield, Minnesota, United States<br>Age: 20<br>Draft registration: 1918 - Swift County, Minnesota, United States<br>Nationality: United States<br>Language: English<br>Source: tive Service System Draft Registration Cards Record 10513:13588839-:
9 JUL 2019 12:12:16 GMT -0500 Geni World Family Tree MyHeritage The Geni World Family Tree is found on <A href="http://www.geni.com" target="_blank">www.Geni.com</a>. Geni is owned and operated by MyHeritage. Collection 40000
https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-40000-57426184/fred-augu... 4 Fred August Rohloff<br>Gender: Male<br>Birth: Oct 25 1896<br>Death: Mar 5 1980 - Swift Co., MN<br>Father: <a>August Rohloff</a><br>Mother: <a>Annie Haben</a><br>Siblings: <a>William C. Rohloff</a>, <a>Carl Rohloff</a>, <a>George August Rohloff</a>, <a><Private> Rohloff</a>, <a><Private> Rohloff</a> Record 40000:57426184:
22 JUN 2019 15:07:36 GMT -0500 Christine Louise Nisbet (Spaudie) Nisbet Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Nisbet Web Site</p>Family tree: 456060221-1 Smart Matching 456060221-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-4500048_117474761_117474761/fried... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:117474761-4-500048:0
22 JUN 2019 15:07:36 GMT -0500 Christine Louise Nisbet (Spaudie) Nisbet Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Nisbet Web Site</p>Family tree: 456060221-1 Smart Matching 456060221-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-1501412_117474761_117474761/fried... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:117474761-1-501412:0
1896 |
October 25, 1896
Fairfield Township, Swift, Minnesota, United States
1918 |
Age 21
Swift County, Minnesota, United States
Age 21
Swift County, Minnesota, United States
1924 |
January 11, 1924
Age 27
Fairfield Township, Swift, Minnesota, United States
1980 |
March 5, 1980
Age 83
Swift, Minnesota, United States
Age 83
Appleton, Swift, Minnesota, United States