Immediate Family
half brother
About GD Matas Babianskas
Mateusz's birth certificate, issued by the Consistory, was offered as evidence that he was a member of his noble line (somewhere on pp. 28-33, 37, 174). According to a document concerning possession of a manor named "Kuzmicz" which they had received after the death of their father Jozef, Mateusz and his brothers Jurij and Anton gained possession of the manor, along with peasants in 1769 (entry certified by the court and the attorney on p. 136, translation on p. 138). According to a deed of purchase of 1782, they sold the aforementioned manor with the peasants to someone named Chodakowski (entry certified by the court and the attorney on p. 139, translation on p. 141) [from Natalie Efimova (blitz@peterlink.ru), reporting on files contained in the Russian Imperial Archives in St. Petersburg, Russia (Fond 1343 inventory 17 file 134, concerning the nobility of the Babianski family, registered in the provinces of Kovno and Wilno), 21 June 2005].
GD Matas Babianskas's Timeline
1744 |
September 7, 1744
Babėnai, Dotnuva, Kėdainiai District Municipality, Kaunas County, Lithuania
1775 |
August 9, 1775
Daumantai, Dotnuva, Kėdainiai District Municipality, Kaunas County, Lithuania
1784 |
April 9, 1784
Kėdainiai, Kėdainių rajono savivaldybė, Kauno apskr., Lietuva (Lithuania)
1793 |
May 5, 1793
Age 48
Dotnuva, Kėdainiai District Municipality, Kaunas County, Lithuania