Georg Nikolaus Keppler

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Georg Nikolaus Keppler

Birthplace: Amorbach, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of N.N. and Maria Klara Wolf
Husband of Maria Theresia Keppler
Father of Anton Georg Keppler; Johann Ignaz Keppler; Johanna Franziska Keppler and Franz Joseph Keppler
Half brother of Adam Ignaz Keppler

Managed by: Tobias Rachor (C)
Last Updated:
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Georg Nikolaus Keppler's Timeline

February 15, 1854
Amorbach, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
July 23, 1883
Amorbach, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
June 23, 1887
Amorbach, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
June 23, 1887
Amorbach, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
August 1, 1888
Amorbach, Unterfranken, BY, Germany