George C. Courtise

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George C. Courtise

Also Known As: "George Curtis", "George Curtise"
Birthplace: Oakley, Bedfordshire, England
Death: July 10, 1623 (64-73)
Oakley, Bedfordshire, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Courtise and Mrs. Courtise
Husband of Mrs. Winifred Courtise and Elizabeth Whitwick
Father of William Curtise, I; Eleanor Courtis; John Courtise; Elizabeth Courtis; Edward Courtise and 2 others

Managed by: Private User
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George C. Courtise's Timeline

Oakley, Bedfordshire, England
July 10, 1623
Age 69
Oakley, Bedfordshire, England
May 27, 1982
Age 69
August 7, 1982
Age 69
September 2, 1982
Age 69