George Edwin Ellis

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George Edwin Ellis

Birthplace: Penzance, Cornwall, England
Death: January 15, 1989 (84)
Penzance, Cornwall, England
Place of Burial: Great Britain, Townshend, Cornwall, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Alfred Thomas Ellis and Elizabeth Jane Ellis
Husband of Kathleen Irene Ellis
Father of Private; Private and Shirley Irene Ellis
Brother of William Ellis; Thomas Arnold Ellis; Alfred John Ellis; Victoria Mabel Ellis; Elizabeth Jane Fry Ellis and 2 others

Managed by: Private User
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George Edwin Ellis's Timeline

January 20, 1904
Penzance, Cornwall, England
Age 6
Penzance, Cornwall, England
January 1936
Penzance, Cornwall, England
January 15, 1989
Age 84
Penzance, Cornwall, England
Age 84
Great Britain, Townshend, Cornwall, England