George Hope Holloway

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George Hope Holloway

Birthplace: Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Death: September 13, 1951 (90)
Portland, Victoria, Australia
Place of Burial: Mount Gambier, City of Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Immediate Family:

Son of Charles Holloway and Susanah Holloway
Husband of Paulina Christina Holloway
Father of Charles Henry Holloway
Brother of Thomas Holloway; Frederick Holloway; Agnes Jane Durward and John Holloway

Managed by: Nerelle Lorna Roy
Last Updated:
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George Hope Holloway's Timeline

January 12, 1861
Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia
August 20, 1882
Mount Gambier, City of Mount Gambier, SA, Australia
September 13, 1951
Age 90
Portland, Victoria, Australia
September 15, 1951
Age 90
Mount Gambier, City of Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia