George Edmund Marselis

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George Edmund Marselis

Birthplace: Williamsburg, Dundas, Canada West, Canada
Death: July 03, 1937 (80)
Saskatchewan, Canada
Immediate Family:

Son of Marcus Horatio Marselis and Maria Lapointe
Husband of Isabella Rowley and Phoebe Rowley
Father of William Edmund Marsellus; Private; Private; Bertram Clayton Marsellus; George Vernon Marsellus and 2 others
Brother of Athelinda Marselis; Saloma Dora Marselis; Delacy Marselis; Phena Marselis; Marcus Horatio Marselis and 3 others

Managed by: Private User
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George Edmund Marselis's Timeline

December 14, 1856
Williamsburg, Dundas, Canada West, Canada
October 28, 1885
Wyvale, Ontario, Canada
November 10, 1887
Wyvale, Ontario, Canada
April 30, 1891
Wyvale, Ontario, Canada
September 20, 1902
Elmvale, Ontario, Canada
February 3, 1905
Wyebridge, Ontario, Canada