Geziena Fredrica Gray Smith

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Geziena Fredrica Gray Smith's Geni Profile

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Geziena Fredrica Gray Smith (Woodward)

Birthplace: Haenertsburg, Mopani, Limpopo, South Africa
Death: February 01, 1984 (89)
Louis Trichardt, Far North, Limpopo, South Africa
Place of Burial: Modjadjiskloof, Mopani, Limpopo, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of John Frederick Gray Woodward and Geziena Elizabeth Woodward
Wife of Albert Smith
Mother of Gezina Elizabeth Dicke; James Smith; John Fredric Gray Smith; Maria Sophia Smith; Albert Smith and 1 other
Sister of Sara Susanna van der Westhuizen; Elizabeth Badenhorst; Maria Anna Pahl; John Frederick Gray Woodward; Sibella Wilhelmina Gray Hurwitz and 1 other

Managed by: Albert Smith, Dr
Last Updated:
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Geziena Fredrica Gray Smith's Timeline

March 23, 1894
Haenertsburg, Mopani, Limpopo, South Africa
January 24, 1913
Magoebaskloof, Mopani, Limpopo, South Africa
February 26, 1916
Haenertsburg, Mopani, Limpopo, South Africa
July 15, 1918
November 17, 1921
October 18, 1924
Modjadjiskloof, Mopani, Limpopo, South Africa
February 28, 1928
Modjadjiskloof, Mopani, Limpopo, South Africa
February 1, 1984
Age 89
Louis Trichardt, Far North, Limpopo, South Africa
Modjadjiskloof, Mopani, Limpopo, South Africa