Graciana Cândida do Nascimento

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Graciana Cândida do Nascimento

Birthplace: Piumhi, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Messias Antônio da Cunha and Mariana Cândida de Jesus
Wife of Manoel Gonçalves da Costa
Mother of José Gonçalves Goulart and Maria
Sister of Pedro Messias da Cunha; José; Maria Justina da Conceição and Antônio Messias da Cunha
Half sister of Francisca; Manoel and Joaquim

Managed by: Lucas Venturini
Last Updated:
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Graciana Cândida do Nascimento's Timeline

April 17, 1854
Piumhi, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Piumhi, Minas Gerais, Brasil
January 20, 1884
Piumhi, Minas Gerais, Brasil