Gunder Johannesen Spilde

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Gunder Johannesen Spilde

Also Known As: "Gunnar Spildo"
Birthplace: Granvin, Norway
Death: The USA
Immediate Family:

Son of Johannes Torkjellson Holven and Anna Gunnarsdatter Midnes
Husband of Synneva Brynjulfsdt Tveito
Ex-partner of Ingeleiv Olavsdtr. Kvam
Father of Johannes Johnsen John and Anna Gunnarsdtr. Spilde
Brother of Kristi Johannesdt Holven; Torkjell Johannessen Spildo; Maritha Johannesdtr Spildo; Helena Johannisdtr Spildo and Helena Johannesdtr Spildo

Managed by: Harald Sævold
Last Updated:
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