Gustaf Evert Johansson Willberg

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Gustaf Evert Johansson Willberg (1856 - d.)

Finnish: Kustaa Eevertti Juhonpoika Willberg
Birthplace: Hevoniemi, Tammela, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Johan Henrik Johansson Willberg and Elisabeth Gustafsdotter Ekbom
Brother of Anders Johansson Willberg; Karl Viktor Willberg; Maria Justina Johansdotter Willberg; Wilhelmina Johansdotter Willberg; Jacob Johansson Willberg and 2 others

Managed by: Tiina Valjakka
Last Updated:

About Gustaf Evert Johansson Willberg

Tammela rippikirja 1862-1868 (MKO60-97) Sivu 54 Hevoniemi,f.Rotesoldater ; SSHY / Viitattu 12.05.2023

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Gustaf Evert Johansson Willberg's Timeline

April 5, 1856
Hevoniemi, Tammela, Finland