Hans Olof Nilsson

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Hans Olof Nilsson (1914 - 1989)

English (default): Nilsson, Swedish: Hans Olof Wallman
Birthplace: Ryd 7, 8, Sturkö, Blekinge län, Sweden
Death: March 22, 1989 (74)
Ekliden, Karlskrona, Blekinge län, Sweden
Immediate Family:

Son of Sven Olof Nilsson and Kerstin Augusta Nilsson Wallmann
Brother of Lars Magnus Vilhelm Nilsson Wallman; Peter Olof Nilsson; Karin Marie Nilsson; Gerda Eugenia Nilsson; Nils Johan Nilsson and 4 others

Occupation: Stenhuggare
Managed by: Leif Svensson
Last Updated:
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Hans Olof Nilsson's Timeline

April 22, 1914
Ryd 7, 8, Sturkö, Blekinge län, Sweden
March 22, 1989
Age 74
Ekliden, Karlskrona, Blekinge län, Sweden