Heinrich (Heinz) (Twin) Marcuse

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Heinrich (Heinz) (Twin) Marcuse's Geni Profile

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Heinrich (Heinz) (Twin) Marcuse (1897 - 1915)

Birthplace: Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Death: 1915 (17-18)
France (Died in WW1)
Immediate Family:

Son of Prof. Dr. Adolph Marcuse and Elisabeth Zipora Marcuse
Brother of Hans Marcuse; Charlotte Esther Jacobson; Walter (Twin) Marcuse; Edith Ruth Speyer; Ellen Anna Marcuse and 1 other
Half brother of Edit Ruppin and Kurt Marcuse

Managed by: Craig Paul Kaufmann
Last Updated:
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Heinrich (Heinz) (Twin) Marcuse's Timeline

February 14, 1897
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Age 17