From an 1890 Nance County Newspaper Clipping file, publication date unknown, transcribed by Linda Berney:
Just as the Post was ready for press last week the sad intelligence reached us of the death of Helen Spackman, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Spackman, aged 7 years. She was a bright child and greatly loved by all. The funeral services were held from the M. E. church and the remains were followed to their last resting place by the largest funeral cortege ever known in Fullerton. The sympathy of the community go out to the afflicted family in their hour of bereavement.
[Resolution of condolence from the Sinclair Alliance No. 609 followed]* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Dec 29 2020, 2:02:34 UTC
1883 |
Nebraska, USA
1890 |
September 26, 1890
Age 7
Fullerton, Nance County, Nebraska, USA
???? |
Fullerton, Nance County, NE, United States