Henrik Johan Jørgensen

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Henrik Johan Jørgensen

Birthplace: Bø, Borge, Nordland, Norway
Death: August 18, 1910 (17)
Bø, Nordland, Norway
Immediate Family:

Son of Jørgen Brede Henriksen and Henningea Kristine Pedersdatter
Brother of Julius Hilmar Berg Jørgensen Wiik; Marine Petrine Regine Jørgensdatter Brun; Hilda Josefine Kristine Barth and Reidar Martin Bang Jørgensen Wiik

Managed by: Ben-Roger Salomonsen
Last Updated:
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Henrik Johan Jørgensen's Timeline

November 26, 1892
Bø, Borge, Nordland, Norway
August 18, 1910
Age 17
Bø, Nordland, Norway