Identified in Parish records as Henry Miller, Junior, a collarmaker by profession.
Will of Henry Miller:
This sixteenth Day of July in the Year of Our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty and Five. I HENRY MILLARD the Elder of Leighton Bussard in the County of Bedford Collar Maker (being ill) do make this my Will in manner following that is to say IMPRIMIS I do give and devise unto Henry Millard the Younger my eldest Son and his Heirs a way and passage through my yard and orchard in the Leck End of Leighton Bussard aforesaid to and from his yard and backside into and from the Lammas Closes by the usual way. ITEM I do give and devise to my Son John Millard and Sarah his Wife and the Heirs of the said John my Customary Messuage wherein I and my said Son do now dwell in the Leck End of Leighton Bussard aforesaid and the Yard, Outhouses, Malthouse, Orchard, Pightle with their appurtenances thereto belonging they paying fifty pounds to my said Eldest Son and ten pounds to Robert my Son I do give and devise to Robert my Youngest Son and Phebe his Wife and the Heirs of the said Robert those nine acres of land hereafore purchased of John Markham and Joan Markham those three acres and half of land I purchased of my Father and his Wife and others and that acre of meadow in Kingsmead all which said premises are in Leighton Bussard and held of the Manor of Leighton Bussard alias Grovebury and are surrendered to the use of my Will. I do give to my Wife my Furniture in my best chamber and all those goods that were her own at our intermarriage and in money fifty shillings. I do declare that the fifty pounds to be paid as above to my Eldest Son is to enable him to pay a fifty pounds I have given security to be paid to my Sister Mary. I do give all the rest of my Goods and Chattels to my Eldest Son and make him Exec hereof as witness my hand and seal the Mk of Henry Millard the Elder signed sealed acknowledged and declared in the presence of us who have sett our hands in the presence of the Testator. G. ASHWELL JOHN ASHWELL Jun .and ROBERT ASHWELL.
Memorandum that those words (by the usual way) between the sixth and seventh lines and the words (and ten pounds to Robert my Son) between the twelfth and thirteenth lines and those words (and an Half) between the fifteenth and sixteenth lines being interlined and the obliteration of part of the three and twentieth and all of the four and twentieth lines being made and done before the signing sealing acknowledging and declaring this Will. Jn ASHWELL Jn ASHWELL Jun. and ROBERT ASHWELL.
WILL: 6 July 1725 WILL PROVED: 11 October 1725
REFERENCE: Wills D/A/61/103 Buckingham Record Office Aylesbury
1661 |
July 24, 1661
Leighton Buzzard, Central Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom
July 24, 1661
All Saints Church, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom
1685 |
May 7, 1685
Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England
1687 |
December 28, 1687
Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England
1689 |
May 10, 1689
Leighton Buzzard, Central Bedfordshire, England
1690 |
May 8, 1690
Leighton Buzzard, Central Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom
1696 |
September 3, 1696
Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England
1698 |
December 10, 1698
Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England
1700 |
June 22, 1700
Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom