Hugo Alexis Blom

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Hugo Alexis Blom (1900 - 1975)

Birthplace: Skön (Y)
Death: April 14, 1975 (74)
Skön (Y)
Immediate Family:

Son of Johan Blom and Agneta -Persson
Husband of Elsa Maria -Sandström
Brother of Axel Natanael Blom; Elin Linnéa Blom and Sigvard Alexander Blom

Managed by: Private User
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Hugo Alexis Blom's Timeline

November 24, 1900
Skön (Y)
December 16, 1900
Skön (Y)
April 14, 1975
Age 74
Skön (Y)
Skön (Y), Sundsvall, Katarina VIII, Katarinav 11