Ingeborg Andrea Mainz

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Ingeborg Andrea Mainz

Birthplace: Sønder Stenderup, Nørre Tyrstrup, Sydjylland, Danmark (Denmark)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Henrik Mikkelsen Mainz and Dorthea Kathrine Mikaline Sirak
Sister of Johanne Andrea Elise Mainz; Jørgine Pouline Kirstine Mainz; Johan Mikkelsen Mainz; Augusta Henriette Mainz; Peter Sørensen Mainz and 4 others
Half sister of Frederik Johannes Thuge

Managed by: Per Hergaard
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Ingeborg Andrea Mainz's Timeline

March 21, 1914
Sønder Stenderup, Nørre Tyrstrup, Sydjylland, Danmark (Denmark)