Historical records matching Inger Mehus
Immediate Family
About Inger Mehus
Name: Inger Mehus Age in 1910: 41 Birth Year: abt 1869 Birthplace: Norway Home in 1910: Golden Lake, Steele, North Dakota Race: White Gender: Female Immigration Year: 1881 Relation to Head of House: Wife Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Nils N Mehus Father's Birthplace: Norway Mother's Birthplace: Norway Native Tongue: Norwegian Able to Read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Years Married: 24 Number of Children Born: 15 Number of Children Living: 7
Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age Nils N Mehus 45 Inger Mehus 41 Julius L Mehus 15 Amanda Mehus 13 Norvald Mehus 12 Minne Mehus 9
Anenda Mehus 6
Martha Mehus 4
Ingvald N Mehus 0
Inger Mehus's Timeline
1869 |
1904 |
February 15, 1904
???? |