Curiously, Jack seems to have named his youngest son after his brother-in-law Donald Cumming Robertson. Seems odd. But then his niece Constance named her second son after him. Anyway, this nails the identity of Jack Beech and John Henry Beech. Also see the probate document discussion below for the real clincher.
We know about Jack Beech (John) from the 1861 census:
1861 Yorkshire, East Riding (ERY) East Sculcoates Sculcoates St Pauls 3582 11 88 15 77 2 Albion Pl, York St
Surname Forenames Relationship Marital Status Sex Age Occupation Birth County Birth Place
BEECH William Head M M 35 Shipwright YKS Hull b1826
BEECH Priscilla Wife M F 33 YKS Hull b1828
BEECH Sharrington Son - M 13 Scholar YKS Hull b1848
BEECH Elizabeth Dau - F 12 Scholar YKS Hull b1849
BEECH William T Son - M 7 Scholar LND Stepney
BEECH John Hy Son - M 6 Scholar LND Shadwell b1855
BEECH Sarah M Dau - F 4 Scholar LND Bromley
Is this his birth?
Name: John Harry Beech
Registration Year: 1856
Registration Quarter: Oct-Nov-Dec
Registration District: Poplar (2.6miles from Shadwell)
Parishes for this Registration District: View Ecclesiastical Parishes associated with this Registration District
Inferred County: London
Volume: 1c
Page: 561
1871 census:
Name: John H Beech
Age: 14
Estimated Birth Year: 1857
Relation: Son
Gender: Male
Where born: Bromley Middlesex England
Civil Parish: Sculcoates
Ecclesiastical parish: St Paul
Town: Hull
County/Island: Yorkshire
Country: England
Registration District: Sculcoates
Sub-registration District: West Sculcoates
ED, institution, or vessel: 24
Household Schedule Number: 71
Piece: 4785
Folio: 106
Page Number: 11
William Beech 45
Priscilla Beech 43
William J Beech 16
John H Beech 14
The probate document uploaded here (see the Media tab) shows that John Henry Beech's estate was managed by George Dance baker, William Henry Beach and Isabella Beach. The presence of George Dance makes it certain that this is Jack Beech, George's wife's uncle. William Henry is Jack's son, and Isabella is William's wife.
1855 |
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
1884 |
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
1890 |
Flemington, VIC, Australia
1893 |
Kensington, Melbourne City, VIC, Australia
1897 |
Albert Park, VIC, Australia
1915 |
Age 60
Hawthorn, VIC, Australia