Jacob Arentsen, Selfjord

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Jacob Arentsen, Selfjord

Birthplace: Selfjord, Flakstad, Nordland, Norge (Norway)
Death: March 20, 1811 (65-66)
Moskenes, Flakstad, Nordland, Norge (Norway)
Place of Burial: Moskenes, Flakstad Prestegjeld, Nordland, Norge
Immediate Family:

Son of Arent Nielsen, Selfjord and Malena Olsdatter
Husband of Anne Hemmingsdatter, Selfjord and Dorthea Hansdatter
Father of Niels Jacobsen, Selfjord and Karen Jacobsdatter
Brother of Niels Arentsen; Maren Arentsdatter; Adrian Arentsen; Maren Arentsdatter, II and Niels Arentsen

Managed by: Elna Marion Kristiansen Vollan
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Jacob Arentsen, Selfjord's Timeline

July 18, 1745
Flakstad Kirke
Selfjord, Flakstad, Nordland, Norge (Norway)
Selfjord, Flakstad Prestegjeld, Nordland, Norge (Norway)
Selfjord, Flakstad Prestegjeld, Nordland, Norge (Norway)
March 20, 1811
Age 66
Moskenes, Flakstad, Nordland, Norge (Norway)
June 9, 1811
Age 66
Moskenes, Flakstad Prestegjeld, Nordland, Norge (Norway)