Jacob Godshalk Detweiler

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Jacob Godshalk Detweiler (1882 - 1916)

Birthplace: Bedminster, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States
Death: 1916 (33-34)
Souderton, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States
Place of Burial: Souderton, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Peter Leatherman Detweiler and Catharine Detweiler
Brother of Samuel Godshalk Detweiler; Reuben Godshalk Detweiler; Mary Godshalk Shelly; Sarah Godshalk Myers and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Godshalk Baum

Managed by: Private User
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Jacob Godshalk Detweiler's Timeline

January 12, 1882
Bedminster, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States
Age 33
Souderton, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States
Age 33
Souderton, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States