Jacob Mouchi Moïse Maurice Chemla

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Jacob Mouchi Moïse Maurice Chemla's Geni Profile

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Jacob Mouchi Moïse Maurice Chemla (1909 - 1992)

Birthplace: Batna, Batna, Algeria
Death: June 29, 1992 (83)
Immediate Family:

Son of Kalfa Chemla and Mama Rachel Chemla
Husband of Fernande Chemla
Brother of Chaloum Eugene Chemla; Moise René Chemla; Zaira Claire Chemla; Myriam Meriem Renée Cohen and Ichoua Lucien Chemla

Managed by: Serge Karsenti
Last Updated:
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Jacob Mouchi Moïse Maurice Chemla's Timeline

January 25, 1909
Batna, Batna, Algeria
June 29, 1992
Age 83