Jakob Martin Charles Ness

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Jakob Martin Charles Ness

Birthplace: Godønes, Bodø, Nordland, Norway
Immediate Family:

Son of Johan Petter Ness and Kirstine Karoline Ness
Husband of Snefrid Ness
Father of Sonja Falch
Brother of Stine Henriette Marie Engmo; Marie Otilie Ness; Lilly Johanna Kristofa Ness and Kristian Elias Ness
Half brother of Simon Johan Ness; Johannes Parelius Ness and Hanna Kristine Ness

Managed by: Per Kristian Smedaas
Last Updated:

Om Jakob Martin Charles Ness (Norsk)

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Jakob Martin Charles Ness's Timeline

March 19, 1907
Godønes, Bodø, Nordland, Norway
August 25, 1907
Bodø, Nordland, Norway
June 22, 1934