James Letman Channer

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James Letman Channer (1831 - d.)

Birthplace: Jamaica
Immediate Family:

Son of Dr. George Chawner and Ellen Samms
Brother of William Channer
Half brother of George Chawner; Charles Stater Channer; James Channer; William Channer; Alexander Channer and 1 other

Managed by: Simon Leech
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About James Letman Channer


Profile and anecdotal information for this individual was obtained from Graham Charles Woodward and his in-depth and thoroughly researched genealogical site http://www.forbros.plus.com. This information was copied with permission. Please note that the Geni profile manager does not hold any copyright to this information.

A personal thank you to Graham Charles Woodward for allowing me to reference his material.

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James Letman Channer's Timeline