Jannetje Abrahamse Burgher

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Jannetje Abrahamse Burgher (Brouwer)

Death: April 28, 1760 (56-57)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Abraham Adamsz Brouwer, Jr. and Cornelia Jeuriaens Caljers
Wife of Johannes Burgher
Mother of Johannes "John" Johanneszen Burgher
Sister of Marytje Brouwer
Half sister of Daniel Brower

Managed by: Diana Raquel Sainz y Wilson
Last Updated:

About Jannetje Abrahamse Burgher

Daughter of Abraham Brouwer and Cornelia Caljer.

Jannetje Brouwer was probably born between 1700 and 1705 at Gowanus, Kings Co., Long Island, New York.

She married Johannes Burger, son of Johannes Burger and Helena Pauluse Turck, before 1725.

Children by Johannes Burger b. 5 Dec 1701, d. 13 Feb 1761:

  1. Johannes Burger b. 29 Sep 1725
  2. Cornelia Burger b. 23 Aug 1728, d. 8 Apr 1729
  3. Helena Burger b. 7 Jun 1730
  4. Cornelia Burger b. 2 Apr 1732
  5. Abraham Burger b. 28 Apr 1734
  6. Jannetje Burger b. 1 Feb 1736, d. before Dec 1739
  7. Annatje Burger b. 18 Dec 1737
  8. Jannetje Burger b. 2 Dec 1739
  9. Elizabeth Burger b. 19 Apr 1742, d. before Mar 1746
  10. Elizabeth Burger b. 2 Mar 1746

"Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vols.5- (1874-): 23:196. Jannetje; parents: Johannes Burger, Jannetje Brouwer.

Jannetje Brouwer died on 28 April 1760 at New York City, New York. William J. Hoffman, "Brouwer Beginnings; The First Three Generations of the Adam Brouwer Berchoven Family", The American Genealogist 23:193-206; 24:23-32, 96-102, 161-170 (1947, 1948).

Bio includes data from The Brouwer Genealogy Database. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~brouwergenealogydata/surna...

Witnessed the baptism of Jurrie Leeuw , son of Hendrick Van Leeuwen and Marytje Brouwer, on 27 August 1721 at Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, Flatbush, Kings Co., Long Island, New York, (sponsors Jacob Bennet, Jannetje Brouwers).

Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the town of Flatbush, Kings County, New York, 1677-1872; FHL film #0017663 (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1941), Microfilm of typescripts (5 v.) made in 1915 in possession of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, New York City, translated and transcribed for the church by Frank L. Van Cleef ; under the direction of Willard P. Schenck and Henry M. Wells ; copied by Josephine C. Frost, 1:16. Parents Hendrick Van Leeuwen, Marya his wife.

Witnessed the baptism of Helena Reyn , daughter of Jan Frederic Reyn and Magdalena Brouwer, on 29 July 1722 at Reformed Dutch Church, New Utrecht, Kings Co., New York, (sponsors Joost Vredenburgh, Jannetje Brouwer). "Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vol.112-113 (1981-1982): 112:134. Helena; parents: Jan Frederick Rhyn, Helena.

Witnessed the baptism of Joseph Burger , son of Nicolaas Burger and Debora Blydenburg, on 27 September 1727 at Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, New York, (witnesses Johannes Burger, Johs. z. Jannetje Brouwer, s.h.v.). Thomas Grier Evans, editor, Baptisms from 1639 to 1730 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. 2 (New York: Printed for the Society, 1901), page 478. Jozeph; parents: Nicolaas Burger, Debora Blydenburg; witnesses: Johannes Burger, Johs. z. Jannetje Brouwer, s.h.v..

Witnessed the baptism of Jannetje Cavelier , daughter of Henricus Cavelier and Helena Burger, on 19 September 1731 at Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, New Y "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vols.5- (1874-): 21:157.

Witnessed the baptism of Jannetje Drinkwater , daughter of Edward Drinkwater and Helena Burger, on 26 February 1749 at Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, New York, (sponsors Johannes Burger, Helena Brouwer, s.h.v. (Helena probably and error for Jannetje)). Ibid., 26:15.

Witnessed the baptism of Johannes Burger , son of Johannes Burger and Elizabeth Lavall, on 18 October 1749 at Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, New York, (sponsors Johannes Burger, Jannetje Brouwer, z.h.v.). Ibid., 26:61.

Witnessed the baptism of Jannetje Barentze , daughter of Barent Barentze and Cornelia Burger, on 15 June 1755 at Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, New York, (sponsors Johannes Burger, Jannetje Brouwer, z.h.v.). Ibid., 27:200.

Witnessed the baptism of Jannetje Jansen , daughter of Johannes Jansen and Jannetje Burger, on 4 July 1759 at Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, New York, (sponsors Johannes Burger, Jannetje Brouwer, z.h.v.). Ibid., 28:105.

"The baptisms of their (Jannetje Brouwer and Johannes Burger) children are important, because some of the sponsors prove the marriages of some of Jannetje's relatives." William J. Hoffman, "Brouwer Beginnings; The First Three Generations of the Adam Brouwer Berchoven Family", The American Genealogist 23:193-206; 24:23-32, 96-102, 161-170 (1947, 1948): 24:102.

Citations 1 [S506] William J. Hoffman, "Brouwer Beginnings; The First Three Generations of the Adam Brouwer Berchoven Family", The American Genealogist 23:193-206; 24:23-32, 96-102, 161-170 (1947, 1948). Hereinafter cited as "Brouwer Beginnings". http://brouwergenealogy.blogspot.com/2012/05/… 2 [S2529] Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the town of Flatbush, Kings County, New York, 1677-1872; FHL film #0017663 (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1941), Microfilm of typescripts (5 v.) made in 1915 in possession of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, New York City, translated and transcribed for the church by Frank L. Van Cleef ; under the direction of Willard P. Schenck and Henry M. Wells ; copied by Josephine C. Frost, 1:16. Parents Hendrick Van Leeuwen, Marya his wife. Hereinafter cited as RDC Flatbush Records. 3 [S2211] "Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vol.112-113 (1981-1982): 112:134. Helena; parents: Jan Frederick Rhyn, Helena. Hereinafter cited as "RDC New Utrecht, L.I." 4 [S1557] Thomas Grier Evans, editor, Baptisms from 1639 to 1730 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. 2 (New York: Printed for the Society, 1901), page 478. Jozeph; parents: Nicolaas Burger, Debora Blydenburg; witnesses: Johannes Burger, Johs. z. Jannetje Brouwer, s.h.v.. Hereinafter cited as Baptisms RDC New Amsterdam/New York (1639-1730). 5 [S1582] "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vols.5- (1874-): 21:157. 6 [S1582] "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vols.5- (1874-): 26:15. 7 [S1582] "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vols.5- (1874-): 26:61. 8 [S1582] "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vols.5- (1874-): 27:200. 9 [S1582] "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York", New York Genealogical

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Jannetje Abrahamse Burgher's Timeline

July 4, 1725
Staten Island, Richmond, NY, British Colonial America
April 28, 1760
Age 57