Jannigje van Wuijckhuijse

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Jannigje van Wuijckhuijse's Geni Profile

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Jannigje van Wuijckhuijse (den Boer)

Birthplace: Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Death: November 10, 1993 (94)
Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Place of Burial: Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Wife of Johannes Laurens van Wuijckhuijse
Mother of Laurens Izaak van Wuijckhuijse; Nellie de Ligt; Johan van Wuijckhuijse and Private

Managed by: Rene van der Bie
Last Updated:
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Jannigje van Wuijckhuijse's Timeline

January 21, 1899
Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
September 16, 1925
Rotterdam, Government of Rotterdam, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
December 13, 1926
Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
January 18, 1930
Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
November 10, 1993
Age 94
Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)