Jenny Serene Norstrand

Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway

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Jenny Serene Norstrand

Birthplace: Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Death: February 01, 1930 (51)
Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Place of Burial: Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Søren Weltzin Carlsen Norstrand and Barbara Amalie Norstrand
Sister of Carl August Norstrand; Hans Edvard Norstrand; Søren Weltzin Benjamin Norstrand; Marie Helene Norstrand; Conrad Norstrand and 2 others

Occupation: Kontordame/ Stenograf
Managed by: Hans Jacob Hvide
Last Updated:
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Jenny Serene Norstrand's Timeline

November 14, 1878
Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
December 26, 1878
Nykirken, Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
February 1, 1930
Age 51
Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
February 6, 1930
Age 51
Domkirken, Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway