Jens Gregorius Brunstad

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Jens Gregorius Brunstad

Birthplace: Ørskog, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Immediate Family:

Son of Mikkel Karolus Knutsson Brunstad and Tyri Larsdotter Brunstad
Husband of Petrine Jensdatter Brunstad
Father of Thorvald Hilmar Brunstad
Brother of Karl Johan Karolussen Brunstad; Ingeborg Marie Carolus; Ole Andreas Karolusson Brunstad; Lars Peter Brunstad; Petrine Jensine Karolusdotter Brunstad and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
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Jens Gregorius Brunstad's Timeline

February 18, 1853
Ørskog, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
April 10, 1853
Orskog,More Og Romsdal,Norway
December 21, 1882
Borgund, Lærdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway