Johan Peter Larsen

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Johan Peter Larsen

Birthplace: Kristiania, Oslo, Norway
Death: November 18, 1842 (11 months)
Akershus Festning, Kristiania, Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Place of Burial: Kristiania, Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Immediate Family:

Son of Lars Larsen, Gevaldiger and Marte Johnsdatter Larsen
Brother of Lars Larsen; Anders Larsen; Eline Amalie Schmidt; Julius Larsen; Johan Fredrik Larsen and 1 other
Half brother of Ingeborg Larsdatter Hestneseie and Helene Larsdatter Staffastuen

Managed by: Trond Øivindsson Lunde
Last Updated:
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Johan Peter Larsen's Timeline

December 8, 1841
Kristiania, Oslo, Norway
January 30, 1842
Garnisonskirka, Kristiania, Oslo, Oslo, Norway
November 18, 1842
Akershus Festning, Kristiania, Oslo, Oslo, Norway
November 25, 1842
Garnisonsmenigheten, Kristiania, Oslo, Oslo, Norway