Johann Heinrich Bellert

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Johann Heinrich Bellert

Also Known As: "John Henry Bellert"
Birthplace: Maryborough, Fraser Coast Regional, Queensland, Australia
Death: August 08, 1948 (82)
Maryborough, Fraser Coast Regional, Queensland, Australia
Place of Burial: Maryborough, Fraser Coast Regional, Queensland, Australia
Immediate Family:

Son of Johann Karl Friedrich Bellert and Wilhelmine Caroline Bellert
Husband of Sarah Ann Bellert
Father of Anne (Minnie) Wheeler; Hans (Henry) Bellert and Private
Brother of Karl Brede Bellert; Wilhelm Johann Friedrich Bellert; Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Bellert; Johann Carl Bellert; Wilhelmina Caroline Fredricka Burmeister and 2 others

Managed by: Jan (John) Roeland Willem Lutke ...
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Johann Heinrich Bellert's Timeline

December 16, 1865
Maryborough, Fraser Coast Regional, Queensland, Australia
November 5, 1889
Maryborough, Fraser Coast Regional, Queensland, Australia
March 22, 1897
Maryborough, Fraser Coast Regional, Queensland, Australia
August 8, 1948
Age 82
Maryborough, Fraser Coast Regional, Queensland, Australia
August 9, 1948
Age 82
Maryborough, Fraser Coast Regional, Queensland, Australia