Johann Theobald Cullmann

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Johann Theobald Cullmann (1789 - 1842)

Birthplace: Niederkirchen, Saarland, Deutschland
Death: June 14, 1842 (52)
Saal, Saarland, Deutschland
Immediate Family:

Son of Johann Theobald Cullmann and Martha Katharina Gerhard
Husband of Anna Margaretha Metzler
Father of Adam Cullmann; Johann Theobald Cullmann; Katharina Cullmann and Margaretha Cullmann
Brother of Maria Elisabetha Cullmann and Anna Maria Margaretha Cullmann
Half brother of Johann Jakob Cullmann and Johann Theobald Cullmann

Managed by: Lukas Tobias Schneider
Last Updated:
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Johann Theobald Cullmann's Timeline

September 6, 1789
Niederkirchen, Saarland, Deutschland
January 7, 1821
Saal, Saarland, Deutschland
December 19, 1824
Saal, Saarland, Deutschland
December 1, 1827
Saal, Saarland, Deutschland
November 18, 1839
Saal, Saarland, Deutschland
June 14, 1842
Age 52
Saal, Saarland, Deutschland