Johann Nikolaus Seyler

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Johann Nikolaus Seyler (1709 - 1786)

Birthplace: Bubach, Saarland, Deutschland
Death: February 11, 1786 (76)
Bubach, Saarland, Deutschland
Immediate Family:

Son of Johannes Seyler and Anna Maria Margaretha Lang
Husband of Anna Margaretha Drumm
Father of Johann Adam Seyler and Maria Elisabetha Seyler
Brother of Maria Anna Magdalena Seyler and Anna Margaretha Seyler

Managed by: Lukas Tobias Schneider
Last Updated:
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Johann Nikolaus Seyler's Timeline

June 24, 1709
Bubach, Saarland, Deutschland
April 15, 1752
Bubach, Saarland, Deutschland
February 19, 1755
Bubach, Saarland, Deutschland
February 11, 1786
Age 76
Bubach, Saarland, Deutschland