Johanna Maria Gunnarsson

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Johanna Maria Gunnarsson (1881 - 1947)

Birthplace: Mölnhult, Gunnarp
Death: February 23, 1947 (65)
Ödegärdet Strömberg, Älvsered
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Anders Gustav Gunnesson and Anna Lisa Erlandsdotter
Sister of Carl Gotthard Andersson Fredman; Alida Charlotta; Private; Anna Lovisa; Anders Ludvig Gunnarsson and 5 others

Managed by: Johan David Karlsson
Last Updated:
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Johanna Maria Gunnarsson's Timeline

June 22, 1881
Mölnhult, Gunnarp
February 23, 1947
Age 65
Ödegärdet Strömberg, Älvsered