Johannes Hanff

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Johannes Hanff

Also Known As: "Jan"
Birthplace: Vught, Vught, North Brabant, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Death: circa January 02, 1962 (73-89)
Tilburg, Tilburg, North Brabant, The Netherlands (Netherlands) (Demencia)
Place of Burial: Breda, Breda, North Brabant, The Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Son of Cornelis Hanff and Johanna van Zon
Husband of Anna Hanff and Anna Hanff -Hoefnagels
Father of Jan Hanff; Henrika Johanna Lurings; Henrica Johanna Hanff; Private and Henrica Johanna Hanff
Brother of Johanna Hanff; Johanna Adrianna Hanff; Bernardus Hanff and Franciscus Hanff

Occupation: Military Policeman
Managed by: Jean Marc Benninghaus
Last Updated:
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Johannes Hanff's Timeline

October 29, 1880
Vught, Vught, North Brabant, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
January 26, 1922
Ketapang, Ketapang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
May 28, 1925
Sumatra, Indonesia
January 2, 1962
Age 81
Tilburg, Tilburg, North Brabant, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
January 7, 1962
Age 81
Breda, Breda, North Brabant, The Netherlands (Netherlands)