Johannes Gerhardus Reynecke

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Johannes Gerhardus Reynecke (Rinke)

Also Known As: "Reyneke"
Death: September 07, 1953 (66)
46 Hollis Street, Rustenburg, Bojanala, NW, 2999, South Africa (Carcinoma of Bronchus, Pneumonia)
Place of Burial: Rustenburg, Bojanala, NW, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Son of Johannes Gerhardus Reyneke and Maria Gertruida Reyneke
Husband of Rensé Christina Reynecke; Catharina Helena Reynecke and Susanna Fransina Hendrina Dorothea Reynecke
Father of Johannes Gerhardus Reyneke; Private; Susanna Catharina Jacobs and Maria Gertruida Reyneke
Brother of Jacomina Elizabeth Adriana Reyneke; Maria Gertruida Reyneke; Anna Magdalena Reneke and Elsje Elizabeth Magdalena Reneke

Managed by: Hendrik Jacobus Reynecke
Last Updated:
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Johannes Gerhardus Reynecke's Timeline

October 29, 1886
November 28, 1886
Potchefstroom, Southern DC, NW, South Africa
August 17, 1926
October 17, 1930
November 12, 1933
September 7, 1953
Age 66
46 Hollis Street, Rustenburg, Bojanala, NW, 2999, South Africa