Johannette Mueller

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Johannette Mueller

German: Müller
Birthplace: Westernohe, RP, Germany
Death: April 26, 1864 (5 months)
Westernohe, RP, Germany
Place of Burial: Westernohe, RP, Germany
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Peter Philipp Mueller and Anna Maria Mueller
Sister of Catharina Wingenbach; Elisabetha Balser; Maria Hering; Anna Elisabetha Mueller; Helena Riebel and 3 others

Managed by: Birgit Rachor
Last Updated:

About Johannette Mueller

"Deutschland, Hesse-Nassau, Diözese Limburg, Katholische Kirchenbücher, 1601-1919", database, FamilySearch ( : 10 September 2021), Johannette Müller, .

"Deutschland, Hesse-Nassau, Diözese Limburg, Katholische Kirchenbücher, 1601-1919", database, FamilySearch ( : 10 September 2021), Johannette Müller, 1864

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Johannette Mueller's Timeline

November 11, 1863
Westernohe, RP, Germany
April 26, 1864
Westernohe, RP, Germany
April 29, 1864
Westernohe, RP, Germany