From his obituary:
master HVAC mechanic - Carrier Corp.
The following is an excerpt from Eric's long standing will, and the family knew he would like to share:
"I would like to take a moment to say a special and fond farewell to all that I have loved, you have given me more joy than I could have ever asked for, I could sit here typing for an eternity, but I think you all know... I'm a pretty lazy individual for all of that. I love you all, and I hope all the best for you, and your loved ones, in all of your efforts and triumphs. My only hope, is that we will meet again, someday in the future, to talk about all the things I will have missed.
To all those, that have endured my existence for so long..... Thank you!"
1969 |
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
2009 |
May 28, 2009
Age 40
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
June 2, 2009
Age 40
Maryland, United States