Immediate Family
half brother
half sister
About John Leslie, Eleventh Baron of Balquhain
Page 76 - 92
"John Leslie,
"Eleventh Baron of Balquhain.
"John Leslie, eldest son of John Leslie, tenth Baron of Balquhain, by his first wife, Elizabeth Grant, succeeded as eleventh Baron of Balquhain, on the death of his father, in June 1622.
"In the Chronicles of Aberdeen we find the following record of John Leslie:--
" 'John Leslie, aperand of Balquhane, coyme to Aithakaynt in Buchane thane partinand to Alexander Cullen, with Androw Lesly, Gilbert Lesly, his fader, breeder, and oderis, to the nwmer of xx personis, and thair moist cruelly enwadit the saidis Alexander Cullen bygyne in striking wp his yeittis, dwiris, kisits, and away takin of clayise and birnyne of writtins, and slew and mwrdrest onder nycht Dauid Carill, serwand to the said Alexander, the laist day of Marche 1587 yeris, God to revenge.’
"For this murder of David Carill, John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, got a letter of slains, 22d March 1609, from the nearest of kin to the said David; and he got a remission for the same under the Privy Seal, 9th March 1620.
"We find by the Records of the Sheriff-Court of Aberdeen that, 1st October 1616, John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, and John Cheyne of Arnage, at a meeting of freeholders held at the Michaelmas Court in Aberdeen, were elected Commissioners conjunctly to attend Parliament. This appears to be the earliest election of which mention is made. In those times the Members of Parliament for shires were usually elected annually, and they required a qualification of forty shillings land in superiority, holding of the king, of old extent, or when this extent did not appear, then of lands worth £400 Scots rent, holding of the king.
"John Leslie, like his father, lived very expensively, and by his extravagant habits he involved the family estates still more. He wadsett or mortgaged great part of his property, particularly the lands and barony of Fetternear, which he wadsett to his brother-in-law, Sir Alexander Hay of Balgety, and William Hay, his son, for the sum of 11,000 merks, and gave in warrandice six ploughs of the lands of Balquhain, 15th June 1625. He granted a charter of the lands and barony of Fetternear to the said William Hay on the same da; sasine followed thereupon, 12th January 1626; registered at Edinburgh, 7th February 1626. He also granted a charter de me to the same effect, 16th November 1627. Sir Alexander Hay of Dalgety, for himself, and taking burden for his son William, granted a letter of consent to John Leslie of Balquahin, to sell and dispone his lands of Balquhain and Fetternear, subject to his wadsett rights, 16th October 1627.
"Sir Alexander Hay of Dalgety, and William Hay, his son, as wadsettees, with the consent of John Leslie of Balquhain, and Janet Innes, his spouse, as superiors, alienated the lands and barony of Fetternear in Favour of Hector Abercromby of Westhall, second son of Alexander Abercromby of Birkenbog, by his wife, Margaret Leslie, daughter of William Leslie, ninth Baron of Balquhain, 16th November 1627. Sir Alexander Hay, William Hay, his son, John Leslie of Balquhain, and Janet Innes, his spouse, granted a charter of the lands and barony of Fetternear to Hector Abercrombie, on the same day: sasine followed thereon, 26th November 1627; registered at Aberdeen, 1st December 1627. Patrick Forbes, Bishop of Aberdeen, with the consent of the Dean and Cahpter, granted a charter containing a novo damus of the said lands in favour of Hector Abercromby, 2d February 1628; registred at Aberdeen, 9th February 1628. This charter was ratified by Adam Bellenden, Bishop of Aberdeen, 24th January 1636. The Lords of Session pronounced a decreet of reduction at the instance of Patrick Forbes, Bishop of Aberdeen, for behoof of Hector Abercrombie, against John Leslie of Balquhain, Janet Innes, his spouse, Sir Alexander Hay of Dalgety, and William Hay, his son, 8th July 1629. Hextor Abercrombie obtained a charter, under the Great Seal, of the lands and barony of Fetternear, 29th January 1631.
"Alexander Abercrombie, eldest son of Hector Abercromby, obtained a confirmation of the above charters from Pope Clement X, 20th September 1670; and the barony of Fetternear remained in the possession of the Abercrombys until it was redeemed by Patrick, Count Leslie, fifteenth Baron of Balquhain, in 1690.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, with the consent of his father, John Leslie, tenth Baron of Balquhain, ratified, in favour of Gilbert Farquhar, the wadsett of the lands of Whitcorse, with a new reversion of 1000 merks, 9th Jun 1606.
"James Gordon, eldenst son of John Gordon of Braco, and John Gordon, now of Braco, heir-maile procreate between the said John Gordon and Agnes Strachan, his spouse, made a renunciation in favour of John Leslie, fiear of Balquhain, discharging a precept of clare constat granted by the said John Leslie to the said John Gordon, now of Braco, upon the lands of Whitecorse, under a certain victual feu-farm, 10th February 1609, in respect of an after-precept containing a money feu-farm, granted to him by the said John Leslie, 7th June 1610. The renunciation and discharge are dated 8th June 1610.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, resigned the lands of Inveramsay in favour of himself, 10th June 1610, and he received a charter under the Great Seal, containing a novo damus of the lands and barony of Balquahin, Inveramsay, and others, united into one barony, 30th August 1610, proceeding upon the resignation of his father, John Leslie, tenth Baron of Balquhain, and of Archibald, Earl of Argyle. A precept of Chancery for infefting John Leslie, fiar of Balquahin, in the said lands, was issued on the same day, and sasine followed thereupon, 3d November 1610.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, with the consent of his father, John Leslie, tenth Baron of Balquhain, Sir James Balfour of Pitcullen, Patrick Leslie of Badifora, and George Leslie of Kincraigie, wadsett to William Blackhall of that Ilk the lands of Auldtown of Knockinlewes, and the teinds of the same, redeemable for 6000 merks – 31st May 1610. John Leslie granted a charter in conformity with the wadsett, and a procuratory for resigning the said lands into the king’s hands for new infeftment to be given to William Blackhall, both dated on the same day, 31st May 1610.
"George Leslie, seventh Baron of that Ilk, as superior, granted a charter of the sunny half of the farm and lands of Aquhorties, Overtown and Nethertown thereof, with the half of the mill and mill-lands thereof, half of the lands of Blairdaff, and half of the lands of Woodhill, in favour of John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, 21st March 1610; sasine followed thereupon, 24th March 1610.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, having received 300 merks from Thomas Smith in Blairdaff, ratified the wadsett over the half of the lands of Blairdaff, made by James Mortimer in favour of the said Thomas Smith; and John Leslie declared the said lands redeemable for 1356 merks – 25th September 1610.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, granted a charter of Nethertown of Knockenlewes, in favour of John Leslie of Keathney, and Janet Wood his spouse, 4th November 1612.
"Patrick, Lord Lindores, granted a tack of the teinds of the lands of Balquhain to John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, for the lifetime of the said Lord Lindores, and nineteen years thereafter, for £72 Scots per annum, 17th October 1604; and of the teind-sheaves of Aquhorties, for nine years from the term of Lambas 1613, for 24 bolls of Victual per annum, 17th September 1613; and of the teind-sheaves of the lands of Balquhain for the lifetime of the longest liver of them two, and for twenty-nine years thereafter; and of the teind-sheaves of the lands of Aquhorties for thirty-six years from the date of the grant, August 1615; and Lord Lindores obliges himself to dispone heritably to John Leslie the teind-sheaves of Aquhorties as soon as he was able.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, granted a moss-licence in the Moss of Fetternear to James Mortimer of Aquhorties; and James Mortimer granted to John Leslie a moss-gate or road through the lands of Aquhorties to Balquhain, 24th August 1614; registered in the books of Council 12th June 1616.
"James Mortimer disponed half of the town and Mains of Aquhorties, the mill and mill-lands thereof, half of Netherbeggery, and half of Blairdaff, the hail town and lands of Boraxy, multures of Aquhorsk, and the superiority of half of the lands of Woodhill, in favour of John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, to whom he granted a charter of the said lands, 6th September 1616; sasine followed thereupon 10th Setmber [sic] 1616.
"James Mortimer executed an instrument of resignation ad remanentiam of the sunny half of the lands of Aquhorties, called the Mains, of the half of the mill and mill-lands thereof, and of the sunny half of the lands of Bograxy and Netherbeggery, in favour of John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, 10th September 1616.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, made a requisition against Francis Leslie, eldest son of John Leslie of Keathnie, deceased, for the redemption of the lands of Nethertown of Knockenlewes, 14th April 1618.
"William Blackhall of that Ilk, having paid to James Gordon the sum of 3200 merks, the sum for which the lands of Whitecorse had been wadsett to him, James Gordon transferred all his rights in the lands of Whitecorse to William Blackhall, 9th June 1610; and John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, having redeemed these lands for the same sum of 3200 merks, William Blackhall renounced all right which he had to them, 27th January 1619.
"James Harvey in Elrick, apparent heir to James Harvey of Boyndes, his grandfather, obliged himself to John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, to have himself served heir to his said grandfather in the lands of Bonnytown, which had been assigned to him in 1574, and thereafter to dispone the said lands to John Leslie – 10th May 1619.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, wadsett the lands of Nethertown of Knockenlews to John Leslie of Badifora, and Marjory Strachan his spouse, redeemable for 3000 merks, and failing payment thereof in the manner mentioned, redeemable for 4000 merks; and granted a charter of the said lands, and a tack of the teinds, to the said John Leslie of Badifora, 2d June 1619. Sasine followed thereupon 6th April 1620, registered at Aberdeen 8th April 1620.
"Patrick, Bishop of Aberdeen, with the consent of the Dean and Chapter, granted a charter containing a novo damus of the lands and barony of Fetternear, in favour of John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, proceeding on the resignation of John Leslie, tenth Baron of Balquhain, 13th November 1621. Sasine followed thereupon 21st May 1622, registred at Aberdeen 2d July 1622.
"John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, with the consent of Janet Innes his spouse, wadsett the lands of Whitecorse, the mill and teinds thereof, excepting Merstonw’s Croft (which was wadsett to Gilbert Farquhar), to Patrick Leslie, burgess of Aberdeen, Patrick Leslie his son, and Jean Leslie his spouse, redeemable the lands of Whitecorse for 3000 merks, and the mill, mill-lands, and multures for 1000 merks, 18th June 1622; and granted acharter to this effect, 19th June 1622: sasine thereon 8th July, and registered at Aberdeen 20th July 1622.
"John Leslie, eleventh Baron of Balquahain, with the consent of William, Alexander, and Walter Leslie, his brothers, granted a procuratory for resigning the lands and barony of Balquhain, in favour of himself and the heirs of tailzie therein mentioned, 19th January 1623; registered in the books of Session 5th June 1623.
"James VI. Granted a charter, under the Great Seal, of the lands and barony of Balquhain, in favour of John Leslie of Balquhain, proceeding on the resignation of the said John and his brothers, 25th March 1623. A precept of Chancery was issued for infefting the said John Leslie in the said lands and barony on the say day. Instrument of Sasine thereon, 16th September 1623, and again 24th July 1624; registered at Aberdeen 6th August 1624.
"John Leslie of Balquhain granted a moss-licence in the moss of Fetternear, in favour of Janet Innes his spouse, in May 1624.
"John Leslie of Balquhain bound himself to John Leslie, sixth Baron of Pitcaple, to obtain the consent of Sir Alexander Hay of Dalgety to a contract whereby John Leslie of Balquhain sold to John Leslie of Pitcaple the lands of Aquhorties, the town and lans of Knockallochy, with the mill thereof, and the lands of Pitbee; and John Leslie of Balquhain, and Janet Innes his spouse, obliged themselves to ratify the contract, 27th August 1625; and on the same day, John Leslie of Balquhain executed a contract whereby he sold and disponed to John Leslie of Pitcaple, and Marjory Cheyne his spouse, irredeemably, for the sum of £8000 Scots, all the foresaid lands. Sasine followed thereon 24th December 1625, registered at Aberdeen 1st January 1626.
"Robert Gilbert and Jean Irvine obtained letters of forning, execution of charge and denunciation, against John Leslie of Balquhain and his cautioners, proceeding on a bond granted by them to Alexander Irvine, 5th August 1626.
"George Leslie, seventh baron of that Ilk, obtained a decreet of resignation of the sunny half of Aquhorties, against John Leslie of Balquhain, John Leslie of Pitcaple, and others, 7th May 1827; [sic] and he assigned the said decreet to James Leslie, second son of John Leslie of Pitcaple, 10th July 1627l
"James Mortimer, John Leslie of Balquhain, John Leslie of Pitcaple, and Marjory Cheyne his spouse, resigned the shadow half of the lands of Aquhorties, in favour of James Leslie, second son of John Leslie of Pitcaple, 5th October 1627.
"John Leslie of Badifora, designed of Artannis, made a requisition to John Leslie of Balquhain to redeem the lands of Nethertown of Knockenlewes, in terms of the contact of wadsett, 14th February 1627; and entered a protest against the said John Leslie of Balquhain, 12th May 1627, and obtained an inhibition against him 18th June 1628.
"John Leslie of Balquhain wadsett the lands of Logydurno to Hector Abercrombie of Westhall, redeemable for £1000 Scots, 16th November 1627.
[Pages 88 & 89 are missing]
“…tion at the instance of the Earl of Mar, and also from the payment of £8 Scots yearly, for certain years of which John Leslie of Badifora had been charge to make payment to Mr. James Milne, minister of Inverurie, for the teinds of the said lands; or otherwise to infeft the said John Leslie of Badifora and his spouse in other lands of the same value and yearly rent – 20th February 1630; execution for charges and denunciation registered 28th Jun 1636. John Leslie of Badifora obtained letters of Horning against John Leslie of Balquhain, proceeding on the said decreet, 25th February 1630; caption thereon, 26th July 1636, and he also obtained letters from the Privy Council against John Leslie of Balquhain, proceeding on the said denunciation, 26th July 1636,with execution thereon, 15th October 1636, and letters of arrestment, 2d November 1636; with execution thereof on a paper apart, used in the hands of tenats of Balquhain, 3d January 1637.
"John Leslie in Meikle Durno, and Walter Farquhar, made a declaration that they had no right, but leave and tolerance from John Leslie of Balquhain, and John Leslie, younger thereof, to theirs desks placed in the east gable of the kirk of Chapel of Garioch. The date is blank.
"Alexander Strachan, minister of Chapel of Garioch, obtained a decreet of Augmentation of stipend, 13th July 1636.
"John, Earl of Mar, disponed the lands of Balquhain to Alexander Leslie of Tullos, during the lifetime of his brother, John Leslie, eleventh Baron of Balquhain, after the lifetime of the said John, to devolve on his widow, Janet Innes, in liferent, and then to John Leslie, younger of Balquhain, in fee – 1st December 1636.
"John Leslie of Balquhain resigned the lands and barony of Balquhain in favour of his brother Alexander Leslie of Tullos, who obtained a charter under the Great Seal of the same, 13th February 1637. A precept under the Great Seal was issued for infefting the said Alexander in the said lands on the same day; and sasine followed thereupon 11th August 1637, registered at Aberdeen, 12th August 1637.
"John Leslie of Balquhain disponed the third part of the lands of Drumdurno in favour of his brother, Alexander Leslie of Tullos, 3d December 1636; and the said Alexander assigned the said disposition to his nephew, John Leslie, younger of Balquhain, 6th December 1636. John Leslie of Balquhain executed an instrument of resignation of the said lands in favour of Alexander Leslie of Tullos, and John Leslie, younger of Balquhain, 13th February 1637.
"John Leslie of Balquhain granted a tack of the teind-sheaves of the lands of Balquhain to Janet Innes, his spouse, 9th February 1638.
"John Leslie, eleventh Baron of Balquhain, married, first, Marjory Gordon, widow of Robert Duguid, fith Baron of Auchinhove, but he does not appear to have had any issue by this marriage. He married, secondly, Janet Innes, daugher of the Laird of Auchintoul, by whom he had –
“ I. John, who succeeded as twelfth Baron of Balquhain.
“ II. Alexander, concerning whom there is the following entry in the old parish records of Inverurie:--
“ ‘Jhon Leslie of Balquhyn and Janet Innes ane sone baptisit callit Alex. Witness Alex. Lesly of Tullos, Wm. Lesly of Carthnie, 7th March 1635, in respect yr was no minister at the chappell after the death of Mr. Andro Straqn.’ This Alexander Leslie must have died young.
“ III. Jean Leslie, married to James Elphinston of Glack. The marriage-contract is dated 13th May 1641.
"John Leslie had also a natural son, Andrew, who adopted the military profession in Germany, where he attained the rank of captain.
" John Leslie, eleventh Baron of Balquhain, died in 1638, and was succeeded by his son, John Leslie, twelfth baron."