Matching family tree profiles for Jonathan or George Kessel
Immediate Family
About Jonathan or George Kessel
According to the 1880 US Census record for their son Job, both Jonathan and Catherine Kessel were born in Germany.
The following is family information from Betty Kessel McIntyre (BETTIKESMC@aol.com), a descendant of George Jr. (son) :
George Kessell Sr. wife Catherine Boyer married 6-9-1773 Shenandoah Co. Virginia George Sr. is listed in the book "Immigrants to Pennsylvania 1641-1819" edited by Michael Tepper, Baltimore, Maryland, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1979, registered of apprenticed out, page 194. 5 Dec 1772 - George Kisler last of Rotterdam (Holland), servant of Ludwig Kuhn of Philadelphia, assigned by him to Charles Shoemaker.
The story handed down from generation to generation was that George Sr. came to America as a young man and was apprenticed out to a shoemaker, but ran away to be with relatives. The relatives probably lived in Hampshire County, (W) Virginia, later becoming Hardy County, West Virginia. There is the town of Hardy County and an old Kessel Cemetery a short distance from the town.
George Kessel is in Mason County, (W) Virginia in the 1820 census with several adult and teenage children. George owned 100 acres of land in Mason County at that time. George Sr. was released from debters prison in 1822 and his land was sold at auction in 1825. The following was found in Mason County (West) Virginia Court Records. "This Indenture made the 21st day of March in the year of Christ 1825 between Peter H. Steinbergen late sheriff of Mason County in the state of Virginia of the one part and Adam Wetzel of the same county and the state of the other part whereas a certain George Kessel who (unreadable) lately (unreadable) certain taken by virtue of a c.... ....... satisfied ........ from the clerks office of Mason county in favour of the Commonwealth and being discharged from prison under the authority of the Act of Assembly ........ for the relief of insolvency did deliver up a parcel of his property and on the 24th day of July 1822 did convey to the said Peter Steinbergen then sheriff of Mason county as aforesaid a certain tract of land situated on the main right hand fork of Big Mill Creek in said county of Mason containing one hundred acres of the same being an undivided ......... of a certain tract of two hundred acres which was granted by Commonwealth patent being dated 2nd August 1819 to said George Kessel and James Casto and of which said two hundred the said George Kessel claimed the lower portion and for the ..... and bounds thereof reference can be had in said deed from said George Kessel to Peter H. Steinbergen sheriff as aforesaid, and the said Peter H. Steinbergen sheriff as aforesaid having through his deputy Andrew M. Anderson duly authorized the time and place of the sale of said land did at the courthouse of Mason County and on a court day preceed to proclaim and sell the same when the said Adam Wetzel became the purchaser the tract for the sum of five dollars and twenty-five cents he being the highest bidder. Now this indenture ..... that the said Peter H. Steinbergen late sheriff as aforesaid in ....... of the premises as ...... for the further consideration of the sum of one dollar by said Adam Wetzel to him in hand .... before the unsealing and delivery of the property the receipt where is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold above and released and convey and by those present doth grant bargain sell a lien release and convey unto the said Adam Wetzel ...... and , a........ for ..... all the right title interest and estate which he the ...... Peter H. Steinbergen late sheriff as aforesaid holds as possesses in the said land and p...... by virture of the convayence aforesaid from said George Kessel and which had been duly recorded in the clerk's office of Mason County ........p...... libility as responsibility beyond his official duty or act is that neither the said Peter H. Steinbergen or his heirs shall ever challange or claim any right or hereafter interest in and to said tract of land, but herefrom shall henceforth by forever debarred by virtue of these present. In witness whereas the said Peter H. Steinbergen late sheriff as aforesaid hath unto set his hand and .... his seal this day and date first in this endenture written the figure 11 1824 11" & 11c........ before signing Peter H. Steinbergen (his seal). At a court held for Mason County on 21st day of March 1825. This deed of conveyance from Peter H. Steinbergen late sheriff of Mason County to Adam Wetzel was acknowledged in court by said Peter H. Steinbergen and ordered to be entered. Teste: William Gerritt (cmc)
Note that the emigration date seems too early if he was born in 1772.
Jonathan or George Kessel's Timeline
1772 |
1798 |
1804 |
January 22, 1804
Hampshire County, West Virginia, United States
1807 |
September 11, 1807
Hampshire County, WV, United States
1884 |
Age 112
Virginia, United States