Julie Johanne Wilhelmine Therese Ermeler

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Julie Johanne Wilhelmine Therese Ermeler's Geni Profile

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Julie Johanne Wilhelmine Therese Ermeler (1850 - 1858)

Birthplace: Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Germany
Death: April 04, 1858 (8)
Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Germany
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich Ermeler and Juliane Wilhelmine Therese Sophie Ermeler
Sister of Gustav Rudolph Wilhelm Ermeler; Klara Wilhelmine Louise Krone; Elise Hedwig Therese König; Ida Anna Luise Jacobi; Elise Anna Marie Ermeler and 4 others

Managed by: Heike Sigrid Elfriede Margarete ...
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Julie Johanne Wilhelmine Therese Ermeler's Timeline

March 27, 1850
Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Germany
April 4, 1858
Age 8
Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Germany