Karin Euxenia Forsman

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Karin Euxenia Forsman (Lindkvist)

Swedish: Lindqvist
Birthplace: Bergö, Hitis, Finland
Death: January 24, 1967 (70)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Karl Wilhelm Lindkvist and Ida Wilhelmina Lindkvist
Wife of Karl Johannes Forsman
Mother of Pär Olof Forsman; Eskil Rainer Forsman; Private; Private and Private
Sister of Arne Eugen Idasson Lindkvist; Wiliam Teofilus Lindqvist; Sanny Sarene Lindqvist; Laura Walborg Lindkvist; Lea Gertrud Fagerström and 3 others

Managed by: René Bernhard Fagerström
Last Updated:
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Karin Euxenia Forsman's Timeline

June 11, 1896
Bergö, Hitis, Finland
March 1, 1927
June 12, 1929
January 24, 1967
Age 70