Karl Åke Ek

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Karl Åke Ek

Birthplace: Domkyrkoförsamlingen i Göteborg (O)
Death: April 05, 1980 (77)
Tynnered (O)
Immediate Family:

Son of Oscar Andreasson Ek and Frida Cecilia Österberg Ek
Husband of Elsie Irene Charlotta Andersson Ek
Father of Private
Brother of Erik Georg Ek; Anna Sara Svensson; Dolly Teresia Johansson; Bror Yngve Ek; Bengt Oskar Ek and 2 others

Managed by: Clas Kristiansson
Last Updated:
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Karl Åke Ek's Timeline

May 11, 1902
Domkyrkoförsamlingen i Göteborg (O)
April 5, 1980
Age 77
Tynnered (O)