Karl Gustaf Hultberg

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Karl Gustaf Hultberg

Birthplace: Vagnhärad, Södermanland, Sweden
Death: September 07, 1982 (71)
Farsta, Södermanland, (D)
Immediate Family:

Son of Karl Enst Hultberg and Hilda Sofia Hultberg
Husband of Elin Maria Cecilia Hultberg
Father of Private and Private
Brother of Kerstin Ragnhild Hultberg; Sven Sigvard Hultberg; Gunhild Sofia Hultberg; Arvid Wilhelm Hultberg; Erik Olof Hultberg and 3 others

Managed by: Emilia Pia Viola Morén
Last Updated:
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Karl Gustaf Hultberg's Timeline

June 11, 1911
Vagnhärad, Södermanland, Sweden
September 7, 1982
Age 71
Farsta, Södermanland, (D)